Happy Holidays from DRAW
We hope that all of our transcribers are enjoying the holiday season. As a gesture of seasonal spirit, DRAW will once again be launching our winter website theme and background. Here's hoping that this festive change will inspire you to transcribe some wintery weather observations.
Within the next few weeks, we will also alert you of potential service interruptions for maintenance activities. We will send you emails to inform you of the details if necessary, so please keep an eye out for those. In the meantime, our platform remains available for you to use.
As always, if you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact us. Wishing you all the very best for 2022!
On this Day
Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon, was launched December 21, 1968 from Florida. The mission was in preparation for an eventual moon landing, but also provided photographs of Earth from deep space and live television coverage of the moon's surface.

[Image Credit: NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons].
Metadata Rescue
[Image credit: Rudolph Martin Anderson, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]
McGill University Bieler School of Environment course 401 students Camille Brais, Juliette Goulet, Adrita Khan, Mailys Laprevotte, Ngan Pham, Lucy Wilkie, and Eidan Willis are developing tools and guidelines for rescuing metadata to improve the usability of historical “orphan” climate data. After consulting data archivists, meteorologists, climate reanalysis experts, and software engineers, they are determining challenges and opportunities for metadata recovery. Working with a WWII case study, they have reunited US navy land station data with their location, thus identifying potentially unassimilated data.
submitted by Kathy Taerum
New Users in 2021: 139 new users signed up to transcribe with DRAW in 2021. That is a 37% increase from 2020. Thank you to all of our users for your dedicated work this year; the work you are doing matters, and we at DRAW are grateful for each and every one of you!
A Data-Driven Year: DRAW users started over 1000 new transcriptions this year. At this time last year, 997,669 pieces of data had been transcribed on DRAW since its launch. In one year alone, we have increased DRAW's transcribed data by over 51%. Have we mentioned that you are superstars?
ACRE Presentations: Victoria Slonosky and Yumeng Zhang presented at the 2021 ACRE (Atmospheric Circulation Reconstruction of the Earth) Virtual Workshop on October 4th, 2021. Victoria gave an overview of the year’s activities in DRAW and discussed data rescue of the Smithsonian records across Canada with Open Data Rescue and partners Environment and Climate Change Canada. She also explored the role of the transcribers in creating trust in the data. Yumeng discussed exciting new work in the field of machine learning based on the McGill Observatory records. Her Master’s thesis is on the role of machine learning in citizen science.
Did You Know...
Every year, at relatively equal intervals around the winter solstice, the eastern sunrise aligns perfectly with the rectangular grid of the streets of Manhattan? This phenomenon is known as reverse-Manhattanhenge. The 'original' Manhattanhenge occurs at sunset around the summer solstice, and is more easily seen, since there are less obstructions towards the west. You can read more about these fascinating phenomena here.

[Image credit: Fred Hsu on en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]
Drew's Weather-Related Movie Recommendations
Click on the movie for more information.
Interested in learning more about the team behind DRAW?
Check out the Blog Post on Drew Bush here!
Collaborate with Us!
If you think your community or organization would like to participate in the DRAW Project, email us for promotional materials, for further information or to set up a personalized webinar/tutorial.
Nous espérons que tous nos transcripteurs profitent bien du temps des fêtes. Pour souligner cette occasion, nous mettons à nouveau en place le thème de l'hiver sur notre site web. Nous espérons que ce changement festif vous inspirera à transcrire quelques observations météorologiques hivernales.
Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous vous avertirons également des potentielles interruptions de service pour les activités de maintenance. Nous vous enverrons des courriels si nécessaire. En attendant, notre plateforme reste à votre disposition.
Comme d’habitude, si vous avez des questions ou des problèmes, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous vous souhaitons le meilleur pour 2022 !