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Two Years of DRAW Together
Happy Anniversary!
Two years ago, DRAW launched our first issue of the DRAW Together newsletter. Thank you to Rachel Black, Brittany Nolan, Jazmine Aldrich, and Giuliana Garofalo for your contributions to the newsletter over the past two years. Special thanks, also, to Nikolas Lamarre who reviews our French translations.
We are also grateful to our readers who continue to engage with these quarterly updates and share their weather-related photos to be featured in upcoming newsletters. If you have a photo that you would like to see in DRAW Together, send it to us by email at We love to see your photos and interesting finds!
This issue of the newsletter will focus on archives, since archives (and archivists) play a huge role in the DRAW project. Our interdisciplinary team currently includes three archival professionals — one of whom will be introduced later on in this issue.
As always, if you have any questions about transcribing or the DRAW project in general, please do not hesitate to contact us. We thank you for your continued support and hope that you enjoy DRAW Together issue no. 9.
Submitted by JoFo
On this Day
September 21st, 1934:
On the morning of September 21, a typhoon struck Shikoku and southern Honshu, Japan. The tropical cyclone began developing on September 13th over the western Caroline Islands, traveling on to brush the Ryukyu Islands on September 20th as it accelerated northeast. Maximum sustained winds reached 150 km/h, with gusts exceeding 215 km/h. The typhoon first made landfall over Muroto, resulting in it later being dubbed the "Muroto typhoon".
Throughout Japan, 3,066 people were killed and 13,184 others were injured. The storm was called the "second-greatest catastrophe of modern Japan", and the "worst typhoon in a generation."

日本気象庁, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
DRAW's Thematic Research Guide
Have you ever explored DRAW's Thematic Research Guide?
This space aims to be a portal for further inspiration and discovery of primary sources for educational usage. Resources are currently organized into fifteen thematic areas associated with Weather and History in Canada and, more specifically, Montreal.
We are looking to expand our Thematic Research Guide in 2023. Do you know of any interesting primary source materials relating to one of our existing themes? Or, would you like to suggest a new theme? Email us at with your ideas.
New resource addition: We have just added a video created by McGill University ENVR 401 (Environmental Research) students in 2021. The video discusses using archival sources for environmental research, using the DRAW project as a case study. You can see the video immediately below, or click here to watch it.
Thanks again to the ENVR401 students for their hard work!
Video created in 2021 by McGill University ENVR 401 (Environmental Research) students Isabelle LeConche, Makena Marshall, Annabel Cowan, Thalia Calligeros, Zoë Deskin, Michael Garbarino, Bianca Pierson, Rachel Schlëifer, and Sarah Song.
New publication: DRAW Team Members Victoria Slonosky and Renee Sieber published their article with co-authors Linden Ashcroft and Christa Pudmenzky in the American Meteorological Society Journal, Weather, Climate, and Society. The article is entitled "Formalizing Trust in Historical Weather Data." You can read it, here.
AUDACE grant funding: We announced in our June 2022 newsletter that DRAW received a Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) AUDACE grant for 2022-2023. DRAW Team Members Prof. Renee Sieber and Prof. Frédéric Fabry recently spoke to the McGill University Newsroom about the project. Read the article, here.
SAA Research Forum talk: Gordon Burr, Adjunct Professor in the McGill School of Information Studies, gave a SAA Research Forum talk on How the Data Rescue and Archives Weather (DRAW) Crowdsourcing Project Became an Online Participatory Archive, August 3, 2022. Watch the recording, here.
Ignite grant funding: DRAW's Ignite grant from the McGill University Bieler School of Environment Jointly Appointed Faculty is being put to good use in data post-processing work. You can read about that project in our most recent blog post.
DRAW's Top 6 Fictional Archives Finds
Click on a book, film or television series for a direct link to the BAnQ record.
Meet DRAW: Lori Podolsky (& her pups!)

Interested in learning more about the team behind DRAW? Check out the interview with our archival liaison and metadata expert, Lori Podolsky, here!
Collaborate with Us!
Send us an email at with your idea!
If you think your community or organization would like to participate in the DRAW Project, email us for promotional materials, for further information or to set up a personalized webinar/tutorial.
Deux ans de SAMuser Ensemble
Joyeux Anniversaire !
Il y a deux ans, SAM lançait son premier numéro de l'infolettre SAMuser Ensemble. Merci à Rachel Black, Brittany Nolan, Jazmine Aldrich et Giuliana Garofalo pour leurs contributions à l'infolettre au cours des deux dernières années. Un grand merci également à Nikolas Lamarre qui révise nos traductions françaises.
Nous sommes aussi reconnaissants à nos lecteurs qui continuent de participer à ces mises à jour trimestrielles et de partager leurs photos liées à la météo pour qu'elles soient présentées dans les prochains numéros de l'infolettre. Si vous avez une photo que vous aimeriez voir dans SAMuser Ensemble, envoyez-la par courriel à Nous aimons voir vos photos et vos trouvailles intéressantes !
Ce numéro de l'infolettre sera consacré aux archives, car les archives (et les archivistes) jouent un rôle important dans le projet SAM. Notre équipe interdisciplinaire comprend actuellement trois professionnels de l'archivage, dont l'une sera présentée plus loin dans ce numéro.
Comme toujours, si vous avez des questions sur la transcription ou le projet SAM en général, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous vous remercions pour votre soutien continu et espérons que vous apprécierez le numéro 9 de SAMuser Ensemble.
Proposé par JoFo